Tips to Make Wedding Guest Feel Special

The main purpose of organizing a wedding is an expression of gratitude want to share happiness to the invitation which has given on your marriage. That's why for this reception runs smoothly need proper preparation. Varios preparations in advance can be performed starting from selecting the model that will dress wear, reception venue, reception decor to dishes that would be presented. All this is nothing buat having the final destination for guests feel good. Well, how can i make wedding guest feel special?

In the wedding party, you'll be the center attention. That's why you wear a dress model should be different from the others. This special gown will also make their presence felt appreciated the invitation to welcome the dress that you using.

2. Reception venue
Regarding the reception venue where possible choose a place that will the spoil the present invitation. You can make the invitation feel special with red carpet for them like Hollywood actress. Also note the air conditioning on site. Present also the room with a big impression.

Serve that special dish for your invited guest. Pamper them with diverse tastes of different cuisines, ranging from an appetizer, main and cover. This could be your special dish Label with a unique name according to the theme of your weeding party. Examples: "Dendeng Romeo Juliet".

4. Documentation
Do not forget to documen every guest in attendance. Each invitation was a special present. Do not be choosy who attended the invitation document, created a different documentation.

5. Souvenir
Give a special souvenir that funny but memorable. It should be noted, given souvenir to be ready for use. This will give the impression of greater depth. You can give it souvenir of memorable songs that you sing to the guests who attended both if you singer.